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Attorney Marketing Blog

Do You Know What People Do On Your Website?

Everyone designs their website with a specific roadmap in mind for how a visitor will use their site. Do you ever wonder what people actually do on your website? 

Now you can find out:
– What visitors click on the most
– What areas frustrate your visitors
– And get recordings of how visitors use your site

Stop guessing and find out how people interact with your website. See what’s working, find out what needs to be improved, and test out new ideas!

Wait…Content is Still King?

Figuring out the best user journey for potential clients is key in your digital marketing strategy. From video streaming apps, social media, podcasts, blogs and others, people are constantly absorbing content. In fact, people spend about 6 hours a day online. 

There are many strategies and techniques that you can use to engage with your target audience and gain clients. Let’s dig into some of our favorites tips.

3 Reasons Why Direct Mail Isn’t Dead

You might be thinking that direct mail is outdated and questioning why your firm should implement it as part of your marketing strategy.

Believe me when I tell you direct mail marketing is still an extremely effective way to reach prospective clients and capture their attention.

Did you know that in 2021 direct mail open rates can be as high as 90% compared to the average email marketing open rate of 18%. If these numbers aren’t enough proof, let’s dig into why direct mail isn’t dead.   

5 Powerful Reasons to Use Video Marketing

Video is the latest tool to add to your law firm’s marketing toolbox.

Creating video content may seem like a big task, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Video is extremely effective in reaching potential clients.

Video content can help increase engagement on digital and social channels, educate an audience, and allow a firm to reach them with a new medium. By being both entertaining and visual, videos can help firms expand their client base and increase revenue. 

3 Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Clients

If you haven’t implemented mobile marketing yet, your competitors send their thanks.

According to Statistica.com, there are 290 million mobile users in the United States. That means more than 88% of Americans own smartphones and research shows that 70% of mobile searches elicit a reaction within an hour.

What are you waiting for? Check out these tips and let us build your mobile marketing strategy today! 

5 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of many people’s day.

Creating a social media presence for your firm has many benefits. For instance, it makes it easy to keep your clients up to date on any changes within your firm. Social media also creates an opportunity for you to establish you (or your firm) as an authority within your practice area(s). This can help drive prospective clients to your website.

Find out how to optimize your social media to make it work for you and to hopefully fill your calendar with clients! 

Discussion includes:

  • Why social engagement matters
  • How to turn a wish into a goal
  • The importance of organization

and so much more…

What’s Happening at PR4Lawyers

  • Advertisements were created for McGuire Pelaez & Bennet PC, Neil H Greenberg & Associates, Frederick K. Brewington, Sakkas Cahn & Weiss, The Margolis Law Firm and Lauren P. Raysor

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For more information about our services or to find out how we can help you attain your marketing goals, click here to email us, or call:
Toll Free: 866-PR4LAWYERS .: Phone: 631-207-1057

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