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Attorney Marketing Blog

6 Ways To Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns

By John Zaher

Email Inbox

Email marketing, such as newsletters and email blasts, is one of the most powerful and cost-effective marketing tools for small to mid-sized businesses and law firms.  It provides a good segue to convert leads into clients, and emails can be completely customized to strengthen your reputation. Here are six ways to maximize your email marketing success:


1. Experiment to Create a Schedule

In order to find out what days and times are best for your firm to send out emails, try out a few different schedules. Certain times of the year may be best depending on your field of law (Thanksgiving or other heavily-traveled days for a traffic law firm, for example), and holiday emails are appropriate from any firm. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are also said to be the best days of the week to send out emails. Use your personal experience to experiment and see what works best for you!

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