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Client Press Releases

Lauren P. Raysor Announces Rally for Police Reform in Mount Vernon

MOUNT VERNON, NEW YORK — Attorney Lauren P. Raysor has announced that a rally calling for the reform of the Mount Vernon Police Department will take place at the front steps of Mount Vernon City Hall, 1 Roosevelt Square, Mount Vernon on Saturday, October 17 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Ms. Raysor, the former Mount Vernon City Attorney and Assistant New York State Attorney General, founded the Mount Vernon Coalition for Police Reform, a coalition of former police officers, civil rights attorneys, former city officials and other members of the community seeking ways to improve the practices of the Mount Vernon Police Department. Last month, she presented the group’s preliminary findings showing an overall distrust of its officers as a result of police violence and misconduct. The findings also list a series of recommendations to improve relations between police and the community.

Those in attendance will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing.

“We have to let our elected officials know that there are systemic problems in the Mount Vernon Police Department,” Ms. Raysor said. “We are urging everyone to come out to the rally and make their voices heard. Our city officials must listen to the people and fix these problems that have plagued this department for far too long.”

For more information, call (914) 733-8080 or visit www.laurenpraysor.com.


About Lauren P. Raysor

Lauren P. Raysor is an attorney concentrating in personal injury, civil rights, bankruptcy, matrimonial and family law. She has litigated numerous cases over the years, taking more than 35 cases to verdict and has argued before the Appellate Division in the case of Makeda Barnes Joseph v. Universal Music Group. She served as Corporation Counsel for the City of Mount Vernon, where she was in charge of the city’s Law Department. Ms. Raysor is currently outside counsel for the New York State Dormitory Authority, and served as the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Upper Manhattan Region, outside counsel to the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone and counsel at a Wall Street law firm.

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